Saturday, April 5, 2014

Almost snowed in.

The truck is almost snowed in , time to  get it out and start moving snow. 

Winter Scene

It makes a pretty picture , but enough of winter it's sime for spring!

Snow , Snow and more Snow.

The snow is halfway up the buildings right now, but it's Spring right!

Enough Already

Looks like we will be plowing snow again tomorrow morning, hard to believe that it is April. things sure don't look like spring here, snow and ice hasn't even started to melt.

Another Snow Storm

April 4th and we are in the middle of a another snow storm, we are supposed to get another foot today.  Snoopy doesn't seem to mind, but everyone else is getting a bit tired of it.

Lying in Wait

We saw this Lynx the other day sitting in a swampy area likley waiting for some prey to come along.
We were by the same spot an 11/2 hours later and it was still sitting in the same spot, don't know if a meal came along or not.